Writing Your Video Script

How To Write Your Video Script

Now you have a plan for your video script, it’s time to start writing one. Below is the Dream Engine method for writing a video script.

The Stages in Writing a Video Script

A strong video script has the following sections:

  • The Introduction
  • The Body
  • The Journey (getting from A to B)
  • The CTA (Call To Action)
  • The Final Draft

First, let’s take a look at how to write a good introduction for your video script.


The Introduction

A good introduction to your video contains two elements. The first is your video hook, which we discussed in our previous post. The second is establishing context about your video.

Focus on emotionally engaging and building credibility with your audience as soon as possible. Begin by describing the challenge your client was facing. Then, go onto how you started working together and began the plan to overcome this problem. A strong and relevant introduction, in turn, will entice your audience to continue watching your video.

Intro Video Script

The Script Body

Give them what they came for

Now you’ve hooked your audience in, give them what they came for and remember to keep them engaged. Using your outline structure, begin to flesh out each section focusing on what you want the audience to take away from each point.

Describe The Scene

A strong video script describes everything that will be visible on the screen. For example, if your video is an animated explainer video, write down the narration, and the action on screen. This could be locations that reflect the narration or outlining that you want to see the narrator speaking to the camera. If you are using visual statistics in your video, put a note to use motion graphics so you can prepare these for post-production.

Keep it Simple

Keep your video simple by focusing on your key message. This is where it is important to have completed your outline and objective first. In turn, your audience is more likely to be engaged.

Writing Video Script

Point A to B

Video’s that move on a clear journey from point A to B will keep audiences more engaged. To do so, think of each section as a bridge to the next. For example, when writing about the challenges your client was facing, end this section with a starting statement for the solution section. E.g “This is where (insert solution) really helped as it was able to help (insert challenge).

In turn, the audience is being taken on a journey and have set expectations on what’s coming up next.  As a result, your video will have higher engagement.

Video Script Journey


Your Call To Action is as important as the open. It is the culmination of your efforts and momentum creating an impact on your audience.

If your overall objective is for audiences to consider using your service, ask them to call or enter their details to learn more. You can also incentivise your audience to share your content. In your CTA, inform them that they will receive a useful piece of information like a whitepaper or a one-month free subscription if they share your content or sign up.

Video Script Action

Final Draft

Go through your script and keep an eye out for:

  • Complex language. Remove any words which make your objective seem complex or out of reach for your audience.
  • Long sentences. You have limited time, so focus on how each word serves the story. If you can shorten a sentence to simplify your point, do it.

Good editing isn’t just cutting down the words, it’s the refining process. You can use free scriptwriting software to ensure your script is formatted correctly for production.

Finishing the Video Script

Reading Your Script Aloud

Reading your script aloud is a good exercise to test the quality of your script. This will also help you be aware of how the voiceover will sound and help guide you on what tone a voiceover artist should have.

Try to record your script in one take so you can see how long it will take. Voiceover artists tend to speak slightly slower than we do as they focus on annunciating keywords and communicating the script clearly.

Reading the video script

Next Steps

Now you have your script, the next step in the Dream Engine method is to move onto the Storyboard section. If you want to learn more about writing a video script for your next project Contact us and we’ll talk through our steps. Return to the Video Production Process page by clicking here.